FDTC 2024 PAPERS 1) "A single-trace fault injection attack on hedged module Lattice digital signature algorithm (ML-DSA)", Sönke Jendral, John Preuß Mattsson and Elena Dubrova 2) "Fault injection attacks exploiting high voltage pulsing over Si-substrate backside of IC chips", Yusuke Hayashi, Rikuu Hasegawa, Takuya Wadatsumi, Kazuki Monta, Takuji Miki and Makoto Nagata 3) "PoP DRAM: a new EMFI approach based on EM-induced glitches on SoC", Clément Fanjas, Simon Pontié, Driss Aboulkassimi and Jessy Clédière 4) "Short paper: switch-glitch - location of fault injection sweet spots by electromagnetic emanation", Matthias Probst, Michael Gruber, Manuel Brosch, Tim Music and Georg Sigl 5) "Short paper: MAYo or MAY-not: exploring implementation security of the post-quantum signature scheme MAYO against physical attacks", Soundes Marzougui, Vincent Quentin Ulitzsch and Jean-Pierre Seifert 6) "Improving CPU fault injection simulations: insights from RTL to instruction-level models", Jasper van Woudenberg, Rajesh Velegalati, Cees-Bart Breunesse and Dennis Vermoen 7) "FaultyGarble: fault attack on secure multiparty neural network inference", Mohammad Hashemi, Dev Mehta, Kyle Mitard, Shahin Tajik and Fatemeh Ganji