FDTC 2012: Venue Instructions

FDTC 2012 will be held in Leuven, Belgium on 9 September 2012. The venue is the Auditorium Zeger Van Hee in the College De Valk of KU Leuven, situated in the centre of Leuven, with many hotels in a short walking distance.

The distance to the venue of CHES 2012 (and of other co-located events) is less than 500 meters; so for the participants to both events there is not any need to change their hotels.

The address of the main entrance to the Auditorium Zeger Van Hee is:

     Tiensestraat 41, 3000 Leuven (see map below)

The main gate on Tiensestraat (see the photos below) opens on an inner courtyard. The entrance to the Auditorium is at the opposite side of this courtyard.

Here is a map of Leuven with the FDTC 2012 venue.

Here are pictures of the main gate and of the courtyard of the College De Valk.