FDTC 2008 – PRESENTATION SLIDES (if available)

Opening Remarks - L. Breveglieri and I. Koren  

Silicon-Level Solutions to counteract Passive and Active Attacks - invited paper            - Sylvain Guilley, Laurent Sauvage, Jean-Luc Danger, Nidhal Selmane, Renaud Pacalet

Session 1 - Differential Fault Analysis

·        Improved Differential Fault Analysis on CLEFIA - Junko Takahashi, Toshinori Fukunaga

Session 2 - Fault Security of HW and SW - Chair: M. Joye         

Aspects of the Development of Fault Resistant Hardware - invited paper - Wieland Fischer

Session 3 - Fault Security of Elliptic Curves

Session 4 - Fault Security of Public Key